Pimples can be a burden especially since they just seem to show up and blemish your face. No matter what you try, they just seem to persist on your face. Worst of all, some of your attempts to eliminate them only seem to make it worst. This is a problem shared collectively by more than 80% of young adults in the world.
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You can sit back and wait for the pimples to go away, or you can take action and eliminate it yourself. There are many ways to eliminate pimples from your face but not all these methods are safe. The use of chemicals and destructive oils may cause more harm than good. For your safety, natural remedies are the best natural ways of getting rid of pimples.
In this post, you will learn about:
What Are Pimples?Â
Pimples are a mixture of both dead cells, and an excessive production of sebum in the face. The mixture becomes attached to the skin pores and present a minor swelling. While a pimple is harmless usually, it can turn into a pustule or papule with time. While it is something that can happen to anyone, the most common victims of pimple infestation are teenagers.
Common Areas Where Pimples Occurs
Common Areas Where Pimples Occurs
Luckily for us, pimples are limited mostly to certain parts of the body. The areas of the body that are at risk of having pimples are usually areas where sebum is produced. These are the oily areas of the body, as the sebum is one of the key features of oil, and pimples. The areas of the skin most likely to suffer from a pimple infestation include:
- The face
- The forehead
- The chest
- The upper back
- The shoulders
Causes of Pimples
There are various causes of pimples, according to the location on the body. However, where the pimple is present, it is most likely caused by:
Excess oil (sebum) production
Sebum is the most common cause pf pimples. Wherever there is an excess of sebum, there will be a pimple.
Hair follicles clogged by oil and dead skin cells
Dead skin cells accumulate and collect close to the surface of the cell. When dead cells can’t find a way out of the skin, a pimple will form. Hair follicles are one of the key reasons why dead cells won’t have a way out. As such, pimples tend to grow around some hair follicles.
Bacteria are one of the major causes of pimples. Not all bacteria can cause pimples, and the one associated with pimples is Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes). The effect of this bacteria and the pimples it will cause will be dependent on the strain of the bacteria.
Skin inflammations can also lead to pimples forming in the affected area. Whether it inflammation is from a hair follicle or hard action or irritation on the ski, it can result in a pimple.
Natural Ways Of Getting Rid Of Pimples
Natural Remedies For Pimples
The best way to clear pimples is to employ a natural remedy. There are many natural or Home Remedies that you can employ to fight off pimples. These remedies are easy to use and won’t require any major processes on your end. By employing a natural remedy, you will eliminate pimples and get smooth skin once again.
1. Avoid touching your face
The easiest remedy and quickest way to get rid of pimples is to ensure you stop touching your face. It is all-natural as it doesn’t require you to use any products organic or otherwise. Most people don’t know it but this is one of the easiest ways to contact or spread pimples. Bacteria can cause and spread pimples and touching your face or someone else’s can lead you to pick up these bacteria. When you eventually touch your face, you transfer the bacteria and soon, you have pimples on your face as well.
This method of transmitting pimples usually applies to touching the face of an infected person. Thus, most people feel that as long as they don’t touch the face of someone infected with pimples, then they will be good. This isn’t the case, however, as pimple-causing bacteria can be found elsewhere, on everyday items. You can pick them up unconsciously and once you touch your face, you transfer the bacteria.
For an already infected face, touching the pimples and then other parts of your face can cause the pimple to spread. Rather than the pimples healing and clearing off your face, you are faced with an infestation. With each touch, you will transfer the infected bacteria to another area of the face free from the infestation. If you have to touch your ace or someone else’s, you will need to wash your hands properly first. Alternatively, you can wear a pair of surgical gloves before touching your face even when you are simply inspecting for pimples.
2. Aloe Vera
As far as Natural Remedies For Skin and clearing bumps and pimples, Aloe Vera is one of the most versatile. Aloe Vera is an all-natural supplement that provides numerous health benefits and some people go as far as to eat it. Pimples are one of the skin conditions that can be fought using aloe Vera. The best part about Aloe Vera as a natural remedy is that the results are usually instant and evident after only a few sessions. With only a few uses, you will start to notice a reduction in pimples until the skin is clear.
Depending on the level of the pimple infestation, you can adjust the quantity of Aloe Vera you apply to your skin. Applying large quantities of aloe Vera isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you may end up wasting a precious substance. For smaller infestations, you can apply only a little and still yield promising results. Even the most stubborn cases of pimple can be treated with Aloe Vera. Best of all, it can even help relieve soreness from popped pimples. You can grow Aloe Vera plants at home to have a steady supply in case of future needs.
The chemicals contained in Aloe Vera include Sulphur and silicic acid. Both of these chemicals are widely used in artificial treatments for pimples and skin conditions. In Aloe Vera, however, these chemicals exist naturally are finely balanced making it the perfect treatment option for pimples treatment. It also serves to moisturize the skin with each application. To use, simply extract the Aloe Vera gel from the plant and apply it directly to the affected areas. You can use this multiple times daily to increase the effectiveness of the Aloe Vera.
While Aloe Vera is great for treating pimples on its own, it can still be added with other treatments to boost results.
3. Honey and cinnamon
Honey and cinnamon are common items that can be found in the home, so won’t cost you much. Both of these substances individually are effective treatment methods for eliminating pimples. Together, however, you get a more potent remedy to pimple infestation. By mixing both substances, you can create a mask for your face. The best part of this treatment method is that it doesn’t require a long application. Anywhere between 10 and 15 minutes daily will suffice.
Both Honey and Cinnamon work by preventing the growth of bacteria that cause pimples. In some cases, they even kill the bacteria where it is already present. It also helps to prevent inflammation where a reaction may have occurred. Where you may have bruised your kin trying to remove the pimples manually, the honey and cinnamon therapy is also helpful. The mixture is potent and can be used for a wide range of skin-related occurrences.
The only limitation with this natural remedy is that the process isn’t an instant one. You will need to have a well-crafted regimen and follow it religiously before you can see any results. Scientists are already studying this remedy to understand how it works. The success rate of honey and cinnamon therapy is impressive and many more people are trying it every day.
4. Apple cider vinegar
Both apple cider and vinegar are popular choices for cleaning things, though it usually involves kitchen equipment or surfaces. When applied to the skin, however, it also has a cleaning effect, making it useful for clearing pimple-causing bacteria from the skin. It is a very potent pimple cleanser but it has one simple flaw: it requires a delicate balance when mixing. While each substance isn’t harmful on its own, together, in the wrong ratio, the mixture they create, is harmful. If you don’t mix it in the right ratio, you will find that you put your skin at the risk of irritation.
The potency of the apple cider vinegar mixture comes from the presence of lactic acid and succinic acid. Both compounds are useful for fighting and killing bacteria that cause pimples. The right ratio for mixing apple cider is 1:3 in favor of vinegar. It is also worth noting that they may be useful chemicals individually, but you shouldn’t apply them to the skin to fight pimples. Once the mixture has been created, you have a substance safe to apply on your pimples and yield results.
Using apple cider vinegar:
- Apply the apple cider vinegar mixture directly on the pimple using a cotton swab/wool
- Leave the mixture on for about 30 seconds, and then wash it off
- Repeat the process twice daily depending on the level of pimple infestation.
Unlike most other natural pimple remedies, apple cider vinegar therapy requires precision. From the measurement when creating the mixture, to the timing after the mixture is applied, everything needs to be done accurately. If done wrongly, you risk doing more harm than good to your skin. The results however make up for the risks as it is a very effective method of fighting pimples. Best of all, the ingredients are chemicals that you probably already have in the house.
5. Tea tree oil treatment
Tea tree oil is another great way for eliminating pimples and it is one of the most efficient and impressive natural remedies there is. The only limitation is that the tea tree oil is extracted from a plant that is found mostly in Australia. Luckily, modern inventions have made it easier to get products like this with one quick order. The most impressive part about using the tea tree oil to treat pimples is that you are exposed to less of a possibility of side effects.
Tea tree oil helps to fight off pimples by attacking pimple-causing bacteria. It is most effective against two of the most common pimple-causing bacteria, P. acnes, and S. epidermidis. The potency of tea tree oil is effective even at lower concentrations, and when mixed with other treatment options. As long as there is up to a 5% presence of tea tree oil, you will observe a noticeable effect on your pimples.
NOTE: If you are going to use the tree oil pimple treatment, then you should note that you will need to dilute it before use. In its raw undiluted form, it can cause skin irritation, but mixing it with a carrier oil. To be on the safe side, test a little of the final mixture on a test area to see how your skin reacts to it before applying it over your face.
Using tea tree oil
- When mixing the tea tree oil with the carrier oil, combine them in a ratio of 1 drop: 1 teaspoon accordingly.
- Using a cotton swab, rub some of the mixtures directly on the pimples
- You can add moisturizer if you wish (Aloe Vera would be an excellent choice)
- Once the mixture is safe you can apply it as many times as you require daily.
6. Green tea
Green tea is a popular home remedy associated with many ailments, but it usually involves, drinking the tea. In this case, however, rather than drinking the tea, you will find that you will be applying it externally. Green tea is popular and can easily be found in many stores, but you can also make it at home and save some money.
Green tea is mostly used to get rid of pimples due to the presence of flavonoids and tannins, known for their role in killing pimple-causing bacteria. The epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), is also found in green tea and serves to fight off pimple-causing bacteria. The best part about using green tea to treat pimple-infected skin is that you don’t need to use much of it. When placed in a mixture, you still get an effective pimple remedy as long as the green tea concentration is more than 2%.
Using green tea
Green tea is one of those remedies that can be used at your discretion, but you can still try a standardized method for the best results.
- Boil some water and add green tea leaves into it whilst it is still boiling
- After boiling for about 4 mins, allow it to cool
- Spray it on your face or apply it using a cotton swab/wool
- Depending on which you are more comfortable with, let it sit overnight, or 10 minutes during the day
- Repeat the process as frequently as you like
The mixture you created can be stored for up to two weeks provided you refrigerate it.
Final thoughts
There are many Natural Remedies For Skin you can try and even prevent yourself from having a pimple infestation. While natural remedies are a great and organic way to fight off pimples, there is no substitute for prevention, which can be achieved with proper skincare. If you do, however, have to fight off pimples, then artificial chemicals and treatments may not be the best choice. While they may work and yield impressive results, they often come with side effects and are very expensive. Natural Home Remedies, on the other hand, are often free of most side effects and are just as impressive. Individually, the different remedies work well, but when combined, the results are more impressive and work faster as well.
Post Disclaimer
The information contained in this post "6 Natural Ways Of Getting Rid Of Pimples" is for educational purposes only. Always consult your primary care doctor before using the remedies that are provided. The information is provided by The Hidden Cures and while we do timely, in-depth research on the information that we provide to you, everything stated may not be up to date or accurate from the time it was written.