Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a medical disorder caused by the formation of a blood clot in…
Blood, Heart and Circulation
Your health and wellness depends on the proper functioning of your heart and blood circulation system. Your heart pumps blood to every part of your body every second of your life. The blood being pumped takes oxygen and other nutrients to your organs and other parts of your body to keep them healthy and functioning properly.
Therefore, if your heart is not healthy, the blood being bumped will be inadequate and your organs and other body parts will suffer greatly from it. Indeed, your heart hold your life in shape. Unfortunately, many people don’t think about these things frequently until they start having symptoms of heart disease or blood circulation dysfunction.
Fortunately, there are many natural remedies for improving blood circulation and heart functions. In fact, there are things you can inculcate into your daily life (habits) that will help improve your heart function and blood flow. Interestingly, once these things become your habits, you will enjoy doing them and your heart will be grateful to you.
Here, you will learn of the herbs that improve blood circulation, how to improve blood circulation naturally, vitamins and supplements for increased blood flow, home exercises for improving blood circulation, and the best foods to increase blood flow and circulation.
The aorta is the largest artery in the body. It is responsible for carrying oxygenated blood from…
Have you ever experienced lower limb pain while walking, running, climbing, or doing exercise? This can be…
Arrhythmia can cause palpitations and skip of the heartbeat. Here are some natural remedies for arrhythmia of…
The heart is a mysterious organ and comes with a few causes of concern, such as mitral…
According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in every four deaths in the…
Having a high percentage of cholesterol in the body endangers the heart as it increases the risk…
Atherosclerosis is a gradual illness that causes clogging and hardening of the arteries. It is responsible for…
Have you ever experienced your heart fluttering or pounding more than usual? Perhaps it seems like your…
Heart failure can be a frightening term. The term does not mean the heart has ‘failed’ or…