About 35% of females suffer from bacterial vaginosis at some point. The disturbance in the natural colonies of good bacteria in the vagina due to any reason leads to bacterial vaginosis. It can result in severe discomfort for the females,…

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Vaginal yeast infection is very common, affecting every 3 out of 4 women. It is not a sexually transmitted disease, but sexual activities can increase the risk of vaginal infection. This infection disturbs the balance of the healthy bacterial and…

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Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted disease affecting about 2 million people in the United States. Many of them are usually unaware of the existing infection because of the absence of symptoms in most cases. If left untreated, trichomoniasis increases…

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A sexually transmitted infection called genital warts caused by papillomavirus is one of the most common types of sexually transmitted diseases or STDs. Human papillomavirus (HPV) causing genital warts infects nearly every sexually active person at some point.  If left…

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