There seems to be a significant lack of knowledge concerning Bartholin’s cyst. There seems to be a lack of understanding among those who suffer from this condition. Well, congratulations on finding your way to this post. Here, you will learn more about cysts and the various natural remedies for Bartholin’s cysts that you can try at home.
In this post, you will be privy to the following information:
What is Bartholin’s Cyst?
The Bartholin’s cyst is a painless swelling in Bartholin’s glands that completely blocks the glands. Bartholin’s glands are located on either side of the vaginal opening. These glands secrete fluid that helps lubricate the vagina. In some situations, the openings of these glands get blocked, causing the fluid to back up into the gland. If the fluid within the cyst becomes infected, you may develop a collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue, which is also called an abscess.
Bartholin’s cyst is a common condition occurring among females. The treatment of the disease depends on the size of the cyst, how painful it is, and whether it is infected. In some cases, home treatment is all that is required. However, surgical drainage of Bartholin’s cyst may be ideal in other cases. If there is a case of infection, antibiotics may help battle such a disease.
What Is The Difference Between Bartholin’s Cyst And Abscess?
Bartholin cysts and Bartholin abscesses are often confused. However, they are not the same. To get an efficient recovery, you need to differentiate them.
Bartholin’s Cyst
Bartholin’s Abscess
It’s a small sac that gradually expands in Bartholin’s gland and is filled with abnormal cells.
An infection of the gland or its duct is known as a Bartholin’s gland abscess.
It may enlarge and become uncomfortable when moving about, sitting down, or engaging in sexual activity.
Abscesses can develop even when there isn’t a cyst. An infected Bartholin’s duct cyst can also cause it.
It is three times less common than Bartholin’s abscess.
It is three times more common than Bartholin’s cyst.
Bartholin’s Cyst Symptoms
It is hard to notice a noninfected and small Bartholin cyst. If there is a cyst growth, you will likely feel a mass or lump near the opening of your vagina. Most cysts are painless, but they can be tender. A full-blown, mature infection of a Bartholin’s cyst can occur in a few days. If the cyst becomes infected, the following symptoms can be noticed:
Pain while having sex
A tender and possibly painful lump near the opening of the vagina
Discomfort while sitting or walking
A hot sensation and swelling around the abscess
Women often ask, is Bartholin cyst dangerous? The condition can be dangerous if it grows large enough, as it can result in skin rupture. There will be fluid draining when there is a rupture, and the person may notice a vaginal discharge or the pain has subsided.
Bartholin’s Cyst Causes
Researchers believe that the primary cause of Bartholin’s cyst is the backup of fluid. This fluid may accumulate when injury or infection blocks the duct opening. Various bacteria may be responsible for the infection, such as Escherichia coli and other STIs like Chlamydia and gonorrhea. Other bacteria species that can be responsible for abscess development include the following:
Brucella melitensis
Klebsiella varicella
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus species
Salmonella Panama
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pasteurella bettii
Neisseria sicca
Diagnosing Bartholin’s Cyst
Your doctor may diagnose Bartholin’s abscess based on your physical examination and symptoms. Doctors may perform the following during diagnosis:
Check for swelling in the vagina
Observe the temperature to determine if there is a fever
Take a cervical swab test for sexually transmitted infections
Bartholin’s cyst is rarely a sign of cancer. However, to ensure there is no possibility of cancer, especially in patients over forty years old, a doctor may carry out a biopsy, which involves taking a small tissue sample to study under the microscope.
Treating Bartholin’s Cyst
How to treat Bartholin’s cyst
Besides using natural remedies for Bartholin’s cyst, Bartholin’s abscess requires draining for efficient recovery. Depending on the severity of the abscess, marsupialization may be recommended. In rare cases, a doctor may have to remove the glands. Some other alternative procedures like silver nitrate gland ablation, carbon dioxide laser, and needle aspiration are also available. Let’s take a look at the different Bartholin’s cyst treatment methods.
Surgical Draining
Surgical draining often occurs in the doctor’s office or hospital. The doctor may numb the area with a local anesthetic or put the person to sleep with a general anesthetic. While performing this, the doctor makes a small incision in the abscess. As soon as the fluid drains out, they will put a small rubber tube (catheter) in the opening. The tube will remain there for about six weeks. It keeps the incision open, emptying all the fluid inside the abscess. The catheter may fall out after six weeks, or the doctor may remove it.
Marsupialization is a procedure that can help prevent the recurrence of Bartholin’s abscesses. This procedure requires a doctor to make a small incision in the bump for the fluid to drain. They will then use stitches at each side of the incision to create a permanent opening. The opening is often less than a quarter-inch wide. Sometimes, the doctor may insert a catheter for a few days to make the drainage process faster.
Marsupialization is generally a successful procedure. Only about five to fifteen percent of Bartholin’s cyst returns after the procedure.
Gland Removal
If, after marsupialization, the abscesses still recur, then the doctor may recommend the complete removal of Bartholin’s glands. But this procedure is often a last resort and rarely necessary.
If a person requires surgery, the procedure occurs in the hospital, and the patient is put under general anesthesia.
Antibiotics have the property to kill bacteria in the glands. A doctor often prescribes these medications before or after surgical treatments on the Bartholin’s glands. In most cases, antibiotics are unnecessary, especially if the abscess drains entirely and does not occur again. Some best antibiotics for Bartholin cysts involve Ceftriaxone, Doxycycline, Ciprofloxacin, and Azithromycin.
Silver Nitrate Gland Ablation
Silver nitrate is a mixture of chemicals used in medicine to burn blood vessels to stop bleeding. It is a form of cauterization. A small solid silver nitrate is used in silver nitrate gland ablation. This procedure requires a cut in the skin surrounding the vagina and the abscess wall or cyst wall. The abscess or cyst is drained, and the stick of silver nitrate is pushed into the space left after the fluid draining is complete.
The silver nitrate forces the cyst cavity to form a small, solid lump. The silver nitrate and cyst remaining are removed after 2 or 3 days. Sometimes they may fall out on their own. There is the possibility of the silver nitrate burning some of the skin of your vulva on the first try.
Carbon Dioxide Laser
A carbon dioxide laser can create an opening in the skin of the vulva to allow the draining of the cyst. After this has been achieved, the cyst can be removed and destroyed using the laser. Alternatively, it can be left in place with a small hole to allow the fluid to drain from it.
Needle Aspiration
During the needle aspiration, a needle and a syringe drain the cyst. It is sometimes combined with alcohol sclerotherapy – a procedure whereby the cavity is filled with a 70% alcohol liquid after the cyst has been drained. The alcohol is left in the cyst cavity for five minutes and drained.
Natural Remedies for Bartholin’s Cyst
Natural Remedies for Bartholin’s Cyst
You can carry out some remedies at home if you do not want to go under the razor. These remedies can provide relief from the symptoms of Bartholin’s abscess. The following natural remedies for Bartholin’s cyst can alleviate the swelling and pain:
Sitz baths can help in easing pain and discomfort. They can also help in rupturing and draining small abscesses. It is also included in Bartholin cyst self-rupture post-care. If the Bartholin cyst ruptures itself, you should sit in a sitz bath to prevent infection recurrence or any other complication. Before taking a sitz bath, fill your bathtub with enough warm water. Lay in the water for about fifteen minutes. Sitting is preferable to just lying down. Sitz bath treatment should be repeated by a patient several times each day for at least 3 – 4 days or until a person seeks medical treatment or the symptoms subside.
Tea Tree Oil
Mixing tea tree oil with castor oil and applying them to the abscess may speed up drainage. Tea tree oil contains natural antibacterial properties. Use gauze to apply the mixture on the spot, and place a hot compress on top of the gauze. Hold it in place for fifteen minutes.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dilute apple cider vinegar and use a cotton ball to apply it to the cyst. Soak a cotton swab with a mixture of diluted apple cider vinegar and warm water, then apply it on the Bartholin’s cyst for thirty minutes. Apple cider vinegar is very influential among natural remedies for Bartholin’s cyst.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has the following properties that make it efficient in treating Bartholin’s cyst:
Aloe Vera Properties
How Do They Work?
Antimicrobial Properties
By reducing cysts caused by bacteria and other pathogens, they can help reduce their appearance.
Anti-inflammatory Properties
A cyst’s irritation and pain can be reduced with these properties.
You can buy Aloe vera gel in your local pharmacies or stores. You can also get it online.
Castor Oil
Like many essential oils, Castor oil has many health benefits. Castor oil is as effective as tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar. Research has revealed that this oil is antimicrobial, making it very effective in removing bacteria that live on the skin (causing, for instance, acne or cysts). Use a cotton pad or gauze to apply castor oil directly to the cyst.
Phoebe’s Cure
For this procedure, you will need the following;
one teaspoon of witch hazel
one teaspoon of tea tree oil
one oz calamine lotion
Apply all these on a gauze or cotton pad for at least one hour. Other extreme sufferers have had better results simply by increasing the ingredients. For instance, they can increase it to 2 teaspoons of witch hazel, tea tree oil, and 6 oz of calamine.
Hot Water Bottle
People often ask how to burst a Bartholin cyst at home. An easy way to get the Bartholin cyst popped at home is by sitting on a hot water bottle. However, you must ensure that it is wrapped in a tea towel or muslin cloth to avoid burning yourself down there.
Prid is a homeopathic drawing salve that helps in drawing out infection and pus. The main ingredients of Prid include calendula, carbolic acid, paraben, arnica, petrolatum, Echinacea, and sulfur in an ointment of beeswax. Magnesium Sulphate Paste is a much cheaper alternative. It is a topical treatment for skin infections like carbuncles and boils.
Hot Compress
Instead of using a hot water bottle, you can use a washcloth immersed in hot water and gently dab it on the affected area. Make sure that you carefully wring the hot water out of the washcloth. Apply the compress for ten minutes and repeat the process at least four times daily.
Silica Supplement
Silica is a mineral that the body only needs in a small amount. It supports joint structure, skin, hair, and nail health. Its efficacy for Bartholin’s cyst is anecdotal.
Serrapeptase Supplement
Serrapeptase is an enzyme that acts as both an analgesic and an anti-inflammatory. This enzyme tackles bacterial resistance and boosts antibiotic activity.
Final Thoughts
Anyone experiencing the symptoms of Bartholin’s cyst should see a doctor as soon as possible. An untreated cyst can spread the bacteria to other parts of the body. If it eventually spreads to the blood, it may result in a potentially fatal condition called sepsis. Seek prompt medical treatment for the following symptoms;
persistent or high fever
ruptured abscesses
persistent or severe pain around the vagina
Some medical practitioners have remarked that sitz baths and some other natural remedies for Bartholin’s cyst can only alleviate the symptoms of Bartholin’s cyst for only a short time. They are effective for people waiting to see their doctor.
Post Disclaimer
The information contained in this post "11 Natural Remedies for Bartholin’s Cyst" is for educational purposes only. Always consult your primary care doctor before using the remedies that are provided. The information is provided by The Hidden Cures and while we do timely, in-depth research on the information that we provide to you, everything stated may not be up to date or accurate from the time it was written.
My goal is to provide you with the safest and healthiest ways that you can overcome any ailment without harsh chemicals/medicines. I have been researching and using natural remedies for years and a lot of these remedies come from years of family secrets and recipes.