At some point in our lives, we will experience Cold. Cold is caused by different viruses and is contagious. Cold itself is not dangerous but the symptoms may be annoying and unbearable for others. It may also lessen concentration and affect our productivity, which is why we need to get rid of Cold quickly.
Table of Contents
In this post, you will learn the meaning of Cold, the types, causes, and symptoms, how to prevent it, and some home remedies to get rid of Cold.
What is Cold?
Cold is a viral infection that affects the nose and the upper respiratory tract. The upper respiratory tract includes the throat, trachea, and larynx. The most common virus that causes cold is the rhinovirus. It can be transmitted from one person to another through personal contact, or through the air.
Causes of Cold
As it has been established that colds are caused by viral infections that are highly contagious. Below are some of the viruses that cause colds.
1. Rhinovirus
Rhinovirus is positive-stranded DNA that is minute and nonenclosed. They are the main cause of the common cold. After the virus gets to the upper respiratory tract, it replicates and infects the cells which release the distress signal that is called Chemokines, which then causes the symptoms to manifest by activating inflammatory mediators.
2. Respiratory Syncytial Virus
A respiratory syncytial virus causes mild cold symptoms but may be more dangerous when it infects the lower respiratory tract, {such as the lungs and the bronchioles] as it causes pneumonia and bronchiolitis. It majorly affects children before or by two years of age, it may also affect older adults.
3. Parainfluenza Virus
Parainfluenza is an embodiment of viruses called the Human Parainfluenza virus. They are 4 viruses in total ranging from HPIV 1 to HPIV 4. They cause inflammation of the vocal cords, trachea, and bronchi, known as a coup. They also cause other upper and lower respiratory tract illnesses e.g bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.
4. Metapneumovirus
Metapneumovirus is made up of negative-sense, single-stranded RNA that causes infection of the upper respiratory tract.
5. Coronavirus
Coronavirus consists of single-stranded RNA that infects the respiratory system and the intestines. Coronavirus affects both animals and humans. It appears to be mild in healthy individuals but appears to be aggravated in children and older adults because their immunity is weak.
6. Adenovirus
Adenovirus is common in children and babies. They are made up of double-stranded DNA and they cause infections in the respiratory tract and the digestive tract.
Symptoms of Cold
Symptoms of Cold
When you are infected with a cold-causing virus, it attaches to the inner mucosal of the nasal passages or throat which sends signals to the white blood cell and then prepares for attack. It takes about two days before the immune system starts to fight. At this stage, the white blood cell locates the virus and the reaction causes the symptoms of a cold. The following are the symptoms of a cold:
1. Running nose
Cold enters the nose and stimulates the sensory nerves in the nasal cavity, causing the mucous membrane of the nose to be inflamed, which in turn produces mucous that leads to a running nose.
2. Sore throat
Sore throat is also called pharyngitis and it’s caused by a cold. When the virus enters the pharynx, which lies between the vocal cords and the tonsils, it causes irritation and inflammation of the pharynx and makes it difficult to swallow.
3. Sneezing
Sneezing occurs when there is sudden and unintentional, forceful air that is expelled through the nose and the mouth. This occurs due to the cold-causing virus entering the nose, and the mucous gland in turn secrets fluid that causes irritation and sends signals to the sneeze center in the brain, which in turn send signals to the muscles (such as the diaphragm, abdominal muscles, etc.) that helps to get rid of the irritant.
4. Low-grade fever
A low-grade fever is an increase in body temperature above 37°C but below 38.3°C. The body responds to the cold-causing virus by slightly elevating the body temperature. Most viral infections cannot survive with an increase in normal body temperature, it kills off the infection, which is why it is a recovery mechanism.
5. Cough
A cough is a forceful air that passes through the epiglottis. When the body is cold, a cough helps to clear the airways and helps to remove mucous.
6. Congestion
Congestion is also known as a stuffy nose. It prevents air from Passing through the nose. People with congestion tend to breathe with their mouths. When cold enters the nasal cavity, It causes the blood vessels in the nasal passage to swell and mucous is produced. The mucous may become thickened, which can cause blockage of the nose and make it difficult for air to pass through.
7. Headache
As the cold results in irritation of the sinuses that causes congestion, coughs sneezes, it may lead to headaches. It may also lead to facial aches.
8. Muscle aches
Cold causes muscle aches as a result of a response to the immune system. When cold enters the respiratory tract, it sends an impulse to the immune system which causes it to release chemicals that help to fight the cold, which can result in muscle aches and soreness.
9. Shivers
Shivers occur when the body tries to generate heat because of the decrease in temperature. It works by contracting and relaxing the muscles, and by doing this, the body protects itself from the cold.
Prevention of Cold
The following are the ways by which cold can be prevented:
1. Keep your hands clean
It is important to keep your hands clean because it helps to prevent causing infected by the cold virus. This can be done by washing your hands with soap and water for about 20-40 secs and washing your hands before and after performing various activities. This is to ensure that all parts of the hands including the fingers, between fingers, nails, under the nail bed, the palm, and the dorsum of your hand are safe from the cold-causing virus.
2. Disinfect surfaces frequently
Cold-causing viruses can also be on surfaces, which can be transmitted to people. After washing your hands, infections can still be transmitted through surfaces. When we clean surfaces, dirt, germs, impurities, and viruses like rhinovirus that cause the common cold will be removed from surfaces. The use of disposable wipes should be adopted when disinfecting and don’t use the same wipe to clean all surfaces. As you disinfect a surface, use another wipe for another surface.
3. Rest
Resting well helps to resist illness by building up our immune systems which help us to fight viruses. When we rest our body well and do not expose it to too much stress, our body helps to prevent us from getting infected by cold-causing viruses. Getting enough sleep is one of the ways we can relax our bodies. When we sleep well {for about 7-8 hours a day}, our body releases cytokines, and other proteins that are responsible for fighting infection.
4. Wear a face mask
Cold as we know is an airborne virus, so wearing of a facemask by both the infected and the healthy are measures that are taken to prevent the spread of the germs. When an infected person sneezes or coughs, there are droplets that are exposed to the atmosphere and can be easily breathed in by a person not wearing a mask. It is therefore important to wear masks.
5. Avoid close contact with sick people
Most times, when a member of the family catches a cold, every other person living with the person tends to also catch a cold. This is due to the fact that the cold-causing virus is transferred from the infected person to others that are not infected. When a person has a cold symptom, it is better to separate their things from the others and stay in a separate room from the others too so as not to be infected.
6. Brisk walking
Exercise has been found to be useful in the prevention of colds. It helps in improving circulation. This exercise must be of moderate intensity and not intense to the extent that you become very tired. An example is brisk walking for about 20-30 mins daily. It ensures proper blood flow to the body and boosts the body’s immunity, this helps to fight off infections.
7. Stop smoking
It has shown from studies that smoking can increase the chances of getting a cold. It can, in fact, make a cold go worse. This is because it causes a disruption in your immune system by lowering its ability to fight off the cold-causing virus. Smoking on its own causes respiratory tract disease, which is why when there is an outbreak of cold, those who smoke are at greater risk.
Home Remedies To Get Rid of Cold
Home remedies for cold
The following are some of the home remedies to get rid of colds:
1. Steam inhalation
Steam inhalation is applied when you have a blocked nose or congestion. It helps to loosen mucus and allows the free flow of air in the airways. Pour boiled water into a bowl. Make sure the bowl is placed on a hard, firm surface. Place a thick and long towel at the back of your head, close your eyes, and slowly bend your head over in form of an arc. Stop bending at about 10-12 inches above the bowl and breathe in and out deeply through the nose for about 5-7 minutes. It can be done about 2-3 times a day. It is important you do not stay more than 10 minutes. Make sure you are very careful when trying this out and keep it out of the reach of children as it can cause scalding.
2. Salt gargling
Gargling salt water is usually used to treat colds that cause sore throats. It is cheap, affordable, and easily accessible. It is also safe for children to use. Dissolve ¼ teaspoon of salt in a glass of water, or in 8 ounces of water. Place water at the back of the throat, and gargle. Make sure you are mindful of your salt intake. To avoid this, after gargling, rinse the mouth and pour out the water.
3. Get Rest
Resting can help in the prevention and treatment of colds. As it has been earlier established, resting helps to build up the immune system, which in turn will fight the cold-causing virus and reduce the symptoms.
4. Hydration
Staying hydrated when caught with a cold is very important because it helps to keep the mucus in the nasal passages moist and it also helps in the replacement of fluid as a result of Congestion. People lose more fluids during colds and tend to get dehydrated. Drinking water is, therefore, necessary.
5. Honey
Honey has been found to have antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties, which are responsible for fighting some bacteria and viruses, which include cold-causing viruses and helps in the treatment of cough. Take 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey for your cold symptoms. Honey with warm water is also used in the treatment of sore throat. Pour 1 teaspoon of honey into a glass of warm water and drink. Make sure you don’t give honey to children that are less than 1 year because of the risk of a condition called botulinum toxin that causes paralysis.
6. Garlic
Garlic is useful in the treatment of colds because of its antibacterial and antiviral effect, which helps to fight the cold-causing viral infection, and in turn, reduces cold symptoms.
7. Chicken soup
When people eat hot chicken soup, it helps to open up the nasal passages, and the heat helps to dislodge congestion. Chicken soup also contains a protein known as carnosine, which is useful in reducing sore throat. It works well with grated ginger, peppercorns, carrot, vegetables, and garlic cloves. Drinking the soup also helps to reduce dehydration which is common during a cold.
Final Thoughts
It is expected that the following measures should reduce or remove the symptoms. However, if the home remedies to get rid of the cold don’t reduce or have any impact on the symptoms felt, you should immediately consult the physician.
What is Cold?
Cold is a viral infection that affects the nose and the upper respiratory tract. The upper respiratory tract includes the throat, trachea, and larynx. The most common virus that causes cold is the rhinovirus. It can be transmitted from one person to another through personal contact, or through the air.
Causes of Cold
As it has been established that colds are caused by viral infections that are highly contagious. Below are some of the viruses that cause colds.
1. Rhinovirus
Rhinovirus is positive-stranded DNA that is minute and nonenclosed. They are the main cause of the common cold. After the virus gets to the upper respiratory tract, it replicates and infects the cells which release the distress signal that is called Chemokines, which then causes the symptoms to manifest by activating inflammatory mediators.
2. Respiratory Syncytial Virus
A respiratory syncytial virus causes mild cold symptoms but may be more dangerous when it infects the lower respiratory tract, {such as the lungs and the bronchioles] as it causes pneumonia and bronchiolitis. It majorly affects children before or by two years of age, it may also affect older adults.
3. Parainfluenza Virus
Parainfluenza is an embodiment of viruses called the Human Parainfluenza virus. They are 4 viruses in total ranging from HPIV 1 to HPIV 4. They cause inflammation of the vocal cords, trachea, and bronchi, known as a coup. They also cause other upper and lower respiratory tract illnesses e.g bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.
4. Metapneumovirus
Metapneumovirus is made up of negative-sense, single-stranded RNA that causes infection of the upper respiratory tract.
5. Coronavirus
Coronavirus consists of single-stranded RNA that infects the respiratory system and the intestines. Coronavirus affects both animals and humans. It appears to be mild in healthy individuals but appears to be aggravated in children and older adults because their immunity is weak.
6. Adenovirus
Adenovirus is common in children and babies. They are made up of double-stranded DNA and they cause infections in the respiratory tract and the digestive tract.
Symptoms of Cold
Symptoms of Cold
When you are infected with a cold-causing virus, it attaches to the inner mucosal of the nasal passages or throat which sends signals to the white blood cell and then prepares for attack. It takes about two days before the immune system starts to fight. At this stage, the white blood cell locates the virus and the reaction causes the symptoms of a cold. The following are the symptoms of a cold:
1. Running nose
Cold enters the nose and stimulates the sensory nerves in the nasal cavity, causing the mucous membrane of the nose to be inflamed, which in turn produces mucous that leads to a running nose.
2. Sore throat
Sore throat is also called pharyngitis and it’s caused by a cold. When the virus enters the pharynx, which lies between the vocal cords and the tonsils, it causes irritation and inflammation of the pharynx and makes it difficult to swallow.
3. Sneezing
Sneezing occurs when there is sudden and unintentional, forceful air that is expelled through the nose and the mouth. This occurs due to the cold-causing virus entering the nose, and the mucous gland in turn secrets fluid that causes irritation and sends signals to the sneeze center in the brain, which in turn send signals to the muscles (such as the diaphragm, abdominal muscles, etc.) that helps to get rid of the irritant.
4. Low-grade fever
A low-grade fever is an increase in body temperature above 37°C but below 38.3°C. The body responds to the cold-causing virus by slightly elevating the body temperature. Most viral infections cannot survive with an increase in normal body temperature, it kills off the infection, which is why it is a recovery mechanism.
5. Cough
A cough is a forceful air that passes through the epiglottis. When the body is cold, a cough helps to clear the airways and helps to remove mucous.
6. Congestion
Congestion is also known as a stuffy nose. It prevents air from Passing through the nose. People with congestion tend to breathe with their mouths. When cold enters the nasal cavity, It causes the blood vessels in the nasal passage to swell and mucous is produced. The mucous may become thickened, which can cause blockage of the nose and make it difficult for air to pass through.
7. Headache
As the cold results in irritation of the sinuses that causes congestion, coughs sneezes, it may lead to headaches. It may also lead to facial aches.
8. Muscle aches
Cold causes muscle aches as a result of a response to the immune system. When cold enters the respiratory tract, it sends an impulse to the immune system which causes it to release chemicals that help to fight the cold, which can result in muscle aches and soreness.
9. Shivers
Shivers occur when the body tries to generate heat because of the decrease in temperature. It works by contracting and relaxing the muscles, and by doing this, the body protects itself from the cold.
Prevention of Cold
The following are the ways by which cold can be prevented:
1. Keep your hands clean
It is important to keep your hands clean because it helps to prevent causing infected by the cold virus. This can be done by washing your hands with soap and water for about 20-40 secs and washing your hands before and after performing various activities. This is to ensure that all parts of the hands including the fingers, between fingers, nails, under the nail bed, the palm, and the dorsum of your hand are safe from the cold-causing virus.
2. Disinfect surfaces frequently
Cold-causing viruses can also be on surfaces, which can be transmitted to people. After washing your hands, infections can still be transmitted through surfaces. When we clean surfaces, dirt, germs, impurities, and viruses like rhinovirus that cause the common cold will be removed from surfaces. The use of disposable wipes should be adopted when disinfecting and don’t use the same wipe to clean all surfaces. As you disinfect a surface, use another wipe for another surface.
3. Rest
Resting well helps to resist illness by building up our immune systems which help us to fight viruses. When we rest our body well and do not expose it to too much stress, our body helps to prevent us from getting infected by cold-causing viruses. Getting enough sleep is one of the ways we can relax our bodies. When we sleep well {for about 7-8 hours a day}, our body releases cytokines, and other proteins that are responsible for fighting infection.
4. Wear a face mask
Cold as we know is an airborne virus, so wearing of a facemask by both the infected and the healthy are measures that are taken to prevent the spread of the germs. When an infected person sneezes or coughs, there are droplets that are exposed to the atmosphere and can be easily breathed in by a person not wearing a mask. It is therefore important to wear masks.
5. Avoid close contact with sick people
Most times, when a member of the family catches a cold, every other person living with the person tends to also catch a cold. This is due to the fact that the cold-causing virus is transferred from the infected person to others that are not infected. When a person has a cold symptom, it is better to separate their things from the others and stay in a separate room from the others too so as not to be infected.
6. Brisk walking
Exercise has been found to be useful in the prevention of colds. It helps in improving circulation. This exercise must be of moderate intensity and not intense to the extent that you become very tired. An example is brisk walking for about 20-30 mins daily. It ensures proper blood flow to the body and boosts the body’s immunity, this helps to fight off infections.
7. Stop smoking
It has shown from studies that smoking can increase the chances of getting a cold. It can, in fact, make a cold go worse. This is because it causes a disruption in your immune system by lowering its ability to fight off the cold-causing virus. Smoking on its own causes respiratory tract disease, which is why when there is an outbreak of cold, those who smoke are at greater risk.
Home Remedies To Get Rid of Cold
Home remedies for cold
The following are some of the home remedies to get rid of colds:
1. Steam inhalation
Steam inhalation is applied when you have a blocked nose or congestion. It helps to loosen mucus and allows the free flow of air in the airways. Pour boiled water into a bowl. Make sure the bowl is placed on a hard, firm surface. Place a thick and long towel at the back of your head, close your eyes, and slowly bend your head over in form of an arc. Stop bending at about 10-12 inches above the bowl and breathe in and out deeply through the nose for about 5-7 minutes. It can be done about 2-3 times a day. It is important you do not stay more than 10 minutes. Make sure you are very careful when trying this out and keep it out of the reach of children as it can cause scalding.
2. Salt gargling
Gargling salt water is usually used to treat colds that cause sore throats. It is cheap, affordable, and easily accessible. It is also safe for children to use. Dissolve ¼ teaspoon of salt in a glass of water, or in 8 ounces of water. Place water at the back of the throat, and gargle. Make sure you are mindful of your salt intake. To avoid this, after gargling, rinse the mouth and pour out the water.
3. Get Rest
Resting can help in the prevention and treatment of colds. As it has been earlier established, resting helps to build up the immune system, which in turn will fight the cold-causing virus and reduce the symptoms.
4. Hydration
Staying hydrated when caught with a cold is very important because it helps to keep the mucus in the nasal passages moist and it also helps in the replacing of fluid as a result of Congestion. People lose more fluids during cold and tend to get dehydrated. Drinking water is, therefore, necessary.
5. Honey
Honey has been found to have an antimicrobial, antioxidants, and antibacterial property, which is responsible for fighting some bacteria and viruses, which includes cold-causing viruses, and helps in the treatment of cough. Take 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey for your cold symptoms. Honey with warm water is also used in the treatment of sore throat. Pour 1 teaspoon of honey into a glass of warm water and drink. Make sure you don’t give honey to children that are less than 1 year because of the risk of a condition called botulinum toxin that causes paralysis.
6. Garlic
Garlic is useful in the treatment of colds because of its antibacterial and antiviral effect, which helps to fight the cold-causing viral infection, and in turn, reduces cold symptoms.
7. Chicken soup
When people eat hot chicken soup, it helps to open up the nasal passages, and the heat helps to dislodge congestion. Chicken soup also contains a protein known as carnosine, which is useful in reducing sore throat. It works well with grated ginger, peppercorns, carrot, vegetables, and garlic cloves. Drinking the soup also helps to reduce dehydration which is common during a cold.
Final Thoughts
It is expected that the following measures should reduce or remove the symptoms. However, if the home remedies to get rid of the cold don’t reduce or have any impact on the symptoms felt, you should immediately consult the physician.
Post Disclaimer
The information contained in this post "7 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Cold" is for educational purposes only. Always consult your primary care doctor before using the remedies that are provided. The information is provided by The Hidden Cures and while we do timely, in-depth research on the information that we provide to you, everything stated may not be up to date or accurate from the time it was written.