The two proteins that make your skin tight and smooth are elastin and collagen; they are responsible for making your skin wrinkle-free and tight. These proteins are crucial for healthy, youthful-looking skin. However, some factors weaken these proteins and cause them to break down over time, including exposure to airborne toxins, sun damage, and aging. When the collagen and elastin break down, the skin around your chest, neck, and face may become loose, saggy, and wrinkled. Fortunately, there are several home remedies you can try to provide your skin the tightening treatment it wants. The natural remedies to tighten skin provided in this post are pretty effective and safe. But before we get to all those home remedies, we should discuss the causes of sagging skin in the first place.
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What Causes Sagging Skin?
As already discussed, sagging skin is one of the major results of aging, toxin exposure, and sun exposure, but that is not where it stops. Over time, crow’s feet, frown lines, furrows, and wrinkles slowly begin to form. That is when your skin starts sagging from your arms, neck, chin, nose, cheeks, and other places on your body. This condition results from three factors: weight loss and pregnancy, uneven fat distribution, and connective tissue weakening.
Weight Loss and Pregnancy
Pregnancy and rapid weight loss can result in sagging skin, even though the two factors are polar opposites. Loose skin starts forming when you gain weight massively (especially during pregnancy). Even after you have given birth and started dieting, the excess skin might remain even after the weight is gone.
Uneven Fat Distribution
The fat that used to be evenly distributed under your skin eventually forms clumps and loses volume. Then, the clumps start to sag over time, all thanks to gravity.
Connective Tissue Weakening
The connective tissue in your skin is responsible for supporting your bones and cartilages, and this tissue weakens as you age. Sadly, when this occurs, the skin around the tissue also weakens, eventually making it droop.
In-office Procedures for Tightening the Skin
Non-surgical methods for tightening the skin
Here are good in-office procedures for tightening the skin:
Non-Surgical Methods:
1. Chemical Peels:
Chemical peels are of three types:
- Superficial peels that focus on the epidermal layer
- Medium-depth peels that focus on the upper reticular dermis
- Deep peels that pass through the lower reticular dermis
Chemical peels function by the removal of the top layer of the skin. Depending on their depth, these peels stimulate the production of collagen fiber and water in the skin. It also increases elasticity and decreases wrinkles. The process makes your skin look healthy and firm.
2. Ablative and Non-Ablative Laser Peeling or Laser Resurfacing
This procedure is an excellent, safe, and effective way to rejuvenate your skin. This process involves removing the upper layer of your skin to reveal the fresh and tight skin beneath. Non-ablative laser resurfacing includes heating the skin tissue to improve collagen production. In addition, this procedure decreases the appearance of wrinkles.
3. Ultrasound
Focused ultrasound techniques have recently become popular in dermatological practices. Ultrasound is a non-invasive method used to stimulate collagen production in the skin. This procedure reduces the appearance of wrinkles and gives the skin a tighter look. Focused ultrasound can be good for your skin in the following ways:
- Makes skin look smooth and even
- Enhances jawline
- Tightens saggy neck skin
- Lefts eyelids, eyebrows, and cheeks
- Reduces wrinkle appearance
4. Radiofrequency (Thermage)
This procedure is a facial rejuvenation treatment effective for tightening the skin. Radiofrequency uses heat to boost collagen production and strengthen the skin’s core layers. If you do not want to go under the knife, this non-surgical method may be a good option for you, but you need to inform your doctor about your intention before going ahead with it.
5. Radiofrequency Microneedling
This procedure uses high-intensity radiofrequency energy to give the skin a firm appearance and improve the skin’s texture. Radiofrequency micro-needling enhances collagen production in the body and tightens the skin.
6. Fibroblast Technique
Plasma skin tightening or fibroblast effectively addresses loose skin on the neck, stomach, or any other part of your body. You can also use the fibroblast technique for lifting the eyes. This skin-tightening technique is a pretty new procedure in the industry and has become a choice technique since its introduction. The fibroblast technique is a non-invasive skin-tightening technique mostly considered safe for addressing loose skin issues. Swelling is a common symptom after the treatment, but it usually settles down after a while.
Surgical Procedures for Tightening the Skin
Face Lifting
Face lifting is a surgical treatment for repairing sagging, wrinkled skin. Face lifting is often done on the neck and face. The procedure can improve noticeable signs of aging. However, face lifting can come with some side few side effects:
- Sutures that may trigger irritation
- Blood/fluid that gathers under the skin
- Unevenness of the shape of the face
- Change in skin color or scarring
Ensure that you let your doctor know about your intention to have a facelift before undergoing surgery. Then, your doctor will recommend the proper surgery based on your skin type, medical history, and a few other factors.
This technique is usually most effective at the first few indications of aging. After that, it simply involves injecting your skin with Botox.
Home Remedies to Tighten the Skin
Face Massage
This procedure stimulates the growth of cells in your skin and increases blood flow. In addition, face massage helps prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Massaging your face for 5 or 6 minutes each day should help. It’s a traditional practice many beauty experts vouch for.
Face Mask
This is a simple remedy that helps promote collagen production and hydrating the skin. In addition, some masks actually have anti-aging properties that can help improve the elasticity of the face. So, perhaps, you should seek out those special kinds of masks.
7 Natural Remedies to Tighten Skin
7 Natural Remedies to Tighten Skin
Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors are responsible for causing your skin to become saggy and loose. Here are some fantastic natural remedies to tighten skin that can help firm up your loose skin:
1. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil, as the name indicates, is the oil extracted from the flesh (the white part) of a coconut. It is available in the kitchens of many people. Coconut oil is a natural remedy for tightening the skin. The oil from coconut is a powerful antioxidant that helps eliminate free radicals harmful to your skin. Also, coconut oil moisturizes and hydrates your skin, ultimately preventing sagging.
In using coconut oil to tighten your skin, begin with a teaspoon of the oil and massage it to your skin for about 5 minutes every night before you retire to bed. The massaging will help push the oil deeper into your skin, where it can work most effectively. Then, allow the coconut oil to stay on your skin overnight for an added boost of healing.
2. Egg White and Honey
Honey and egg white are popular for their numerous health benefits. But together, you can use them as a mask for tightening loose and sagging skin. Egg white contains rich protein albumin that rebuilds skin cells, imparts a natural glow, and improves skin elasticity. Honey is an excellent antioxidant that can effectively eliminate toxins that build up on your skin over time. When you use both honey and egg white together, they will provide your skin with powerful two-punch tightness.
In mixing, ensure that you separate 1 egg white from the yolk before mixing it with two tablespoons of honey. Then apply it to your chest, neck, or face. Allow the mixture to remain in the area for about 15 minutes before washing it off with warm water, then pat it dry. You should use this mixture about once or twice a week for the best results.
3. Olive Oil
Olive oil has been in existence before moisturizing lotions and hydrating creams. The ancient Egyptians used olive oil to moisturize and cleanse. Olive oil is also an antibacterial agent that can protect your skin from the sun and give it a radiant glow. Like many other substances mentioned in this post, olive oil is also an excellent antioxidant that contains a good dose of vitamin E that is responsible for tightening your skin and protecting it from sun damage.
Every showing in the evening, massage olive oil to your chest, neck, and face. Continue massaging the spots for a few minutes to allow the oil to penetrate your skin. You can use olive oil as a body lotion and apply it to your body every day.
4. Coffee Scrub
Millions of people take coffee every morning. Besides helping you start a brilliant day, coffee can also help tighten your skin and prevent indications of aging. Coffee has antioxidant properties that reduce the signs of skin aging. In addition, when you use coffee as a scrub with other substances, it exfoliates your skin and makes it firm while also eliminating and smoothing out fat deposits.
Combine the following ingredients in a bowl:
- A quarter cup of coffee grounds
- A quarter cup of brown sugar
- Half a teaspoon of cinnamon
- 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (you can liquefy this by heating it slightly)
Using your fingers in a small circular motion, scrub your chest, neck, and face for about 3 minutes. Rinse off the mixture with warm water. For the best result, scrub your body with this mixture once a week.
5. Witch Hazel
Witch hazel provides numerous health benefits, not least of which is tightening and healing sun-damaged and aged skin. You can purchase witch hazel at most health food stores, drug stores, or online. In addition, witch hazel is often commonly used as an astringent because it tightens skin and shrinks pores. This plant also helps slow down the breakdown of elastin and collagen within your skin.
Before going to bed at night, or each time you use an astringent, soak a cotton ball with the hazel and apply it to your chest, neck, and face. Allow the witch hazel to dry for about five minutes, and do not attempt to wash it off.
Apply another round of the remedy to the same area for further added healing benefits. You can use witch hazel daily as a replacement for alcohol-based toner.
6. Epsom Salt Soak
Epsom salt, clinically called magnesium sulfate, effectively reduces swelling in the ankles and feet, but you can apply the same process to other parts of your body. The salt pulls excess water from your body, thereby improving circulation which helps tighten your skin and reduce sagging. Add 2 cups of the salt to a warm-water bath and immerse your body in it as much as you can. Remain there for 15 or 20 minutes. You don’t have to rinse your body after coming out of the water. For the best result, do this two times each week.
7. Yogurt Mask
Yogurt has become an essential part of any healthy diet. Besides eating it and enjoying it, you can also apply it directly to your skin to tighten and smooth wrinkled areas of your body. Like most milk products, yogurt contains lactic acid, which effectively shrinks pores, which can ultimately lead to tighter, smoother skin.
To make a skin-tightening yogurt mask, mix 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt with 2 drops of lime juice. Apply the mixture to your chest, neck, and face. Then massage it on your skin for about 10 minutes. Allow the yogurt mask to remain on your skin for another 5 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. You can do this twice a week.
Final Thoughts
These natural remedies to tighten skin can provide incredible benefits for sagging and loose skin. But do not try them without the approval of your doctor or dermatologist. Some remedies may irritate your skin, especially if you know you have sensitive skin. All in all, these natural remedies to tighten skin have proved pretty effective.
Post Disclaimer
The information contained in this post "7 Incredible Natural Remedies to Tighten Skin" is for educational purposes only. Always consult your primary care doctor before using the remedies that are provided. The information is provided by The Hidden Cures and while we do timely, in-depth research on the information that we provide to you, everything stated may not be up to date or accurate from the time it was written.