Maintaining a strict beauty regimen may come easily to you, but one issue is often tough to control. I am referring to excessive and unwanted facial hair. Sometimes we have excessive hair growth, and we do not know how to remove the growth permanently. Needless to say, facial hair can affect a person both psychologically and emotionally. For example, studies have revealed that women with excessive facial hair often have high anxiety levels. But in this post, I have gathered some effective natural remedies to remove facial hair. If you suffer from this condition called hirsutism, then the home remedies in this post are for you.

You will learn the following from this post:

  • Meaning of hirsutism
  • Causes of facial hair growth
  • Electrolysis, laser hair surgery, and facial waxing against facial hair
  • Natural remedies to remove facial hair

What is Hirsutism?

Remedies for Hirsutism

Remedies for Hirsutism

Hirsutism is the clinical term for excessive facial hair. But first, you need to understand what hirsutism entails. Hirsutism is the excessive and unwanted growth of hair on your face and other parts of your body. Hirsutism generally affects women. Your hirsutism may be excessive if the hair growth is thick and black and not fine and thin. The symptoms of hirsutism, in some cases, may include pimples, oily skin, and erratic menstruation. The first step to fight against hirsutism is to consult a doctor who may suggest that you undergo a series of medical tests to determine what’s causing the condition in the first place. Knowing the level of your hirsutism will help plan how to get rid of facial hair permanently. Once again, consult your doctor before trying the natural remedies to remove facial hair.

Causes of Excessive Facial Hair Growth

Hirsutism is a result of surplus male hormones known as androgens. And so, hirsutism occurs when there is an imbalance of hormones. Another cause of facial hair is congenital adrenal hyperplasia (a medical condition that affects the adrenal glands), anabolic steroids usually consumed by those who want to build muscles, rapid weight gain, obesity. However, the most common cause is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

If you suspect that the medical condition you have may result in excessive facial hair growth, the first effort is to contain the disease. Studies have revealed that PCOS is responsible for about 72 to 82 percent of all cases of excessive hair growth. Therefore, do not hesitate to treat the condition if you have PCOS. There are several manners you can address the medical condition. For example, if you are overweight and suffer from PCOS, losing weight by practicing a healthy lifestyle can help normalize and regularize your menstrual cycle. In addition, researchers have revealed that losing weight reduces your insulin levels, leading to lower testosterone levels, which improve fertility and reduce symptoms like acne and excessive hair growth.

Oral contraceptive pills are also effective for treating PCOS. Besides this, you can also use hormone medications to reduce testosterone and stimulate ovulation. Also, you can use diabetes-treating drugs like metformin. However, if all else fails, you may have to go through surgery to remove large cysts and get rid of the tissue that manufactures the androgens. Therefore, surgery should be your last option. Actually, with natural remedies to remove facial hair, you may not require any surgery.

Electrolysis Against Facial Hair

Electrolysis is a popular method of permanently eliminating facial hair. To carry out this process, a doctor or specialist will insert an epilator into your skin and deploy shortwave radio frequencies to destroy hair follicles and keep new hair from growing. However, getting long-term hair removal benefits from electrolysis in just a sitting is not feasible. Several follow-ups are crucial for permanently getting rid of facial hair. But if you are a patient person and have the money, electrolysis can provide you with the result you want.

But do not try electrolysis without first using natural remedies to remove facial hair or consulting a proper expert. You will need a professional dermatologist for this process because using an unsterilized needle may cause some severe infections.

Laser Hair Removal

Besides electrolysis, laser hair removal is another popular method for eliminating facial hair, albeit permanently. However, you need to understand the implication of LHR before doing it fully. The method involves deploying mild radiation to the spot with the help of high heat lasers. It’s simply all about damaging the hair follicle to prevent hair growth permanently. Also, like electrolysis, laser hair removal requires various follow-ups to enjoy a long-term benefit. You should also factor in the fact that laser hair removal may be costly. Even after the removal, you will still need a thorough after-care regimen to maintain the result. For example, you cannot visit the gym, apply makeup, and use the saunas or spas after the laser treatment. You will also have to use specific products your dermatologist has recommended. You must avoid retinol creams, glycolic acid, and scrubs. All in all, laser hair removal is not 100 percent permanent; your hair may begin to resurface after some time, but natural remedies to remove facial hair prove to be much more effective.

Facial Waxing

Some dermatologists may advise you to consider facial waxing because it helps uproot hair right from the follicles. You may carry out this process at home; otherwise, you do it at a salon. As opposed to electrolysis and facial hair removal, waxing is affordable. It is also easy because the professional will only remove groups of hair at a go. After a while, waxing can permanently remove your hair when the follicle weakens enough. First, the beautician will apply soft wax over the treatment area with a butter knife or spatula to carry out the process. Then they will apply either paper strips or cloth over it and press firmly into the skin. The next step is to suddenly rip off the strip against the direction of the hair growth.

In some cases, they use a hard wax that does not require strips or cloths. There may be some disadvantages, though. For example, waxing can cause a body patch on the skin. You may suffer from skin irritation, discoloration, and some other allergic reactions that may not occur with natural remedies to remove facial hair.

8 Natural Remedies to Remove Facial Hair

8 Natural Remedies to Remove Facial Hair

8 Natural Remedies to Remove Facial Hair

Unlike hair that grows on other parts of the body, facial hair is pretty noticeable, and it can either make or break your physical appearance. If you are tired of visiting the salon every week, consider the following simple and effective natural remedies to remove facial hair.

1. Sugar and Lemon Juice

Simply mix 2 tablespoons of sugar and lemon juice, then had 8-9 tablespoons of water to the mixture. Heat them until bubbles surface, allowing the mixture to cool off. When cool enough, apply it to the areas affected with the aid of a spatula. Leave it there for about 20-25 minutes before washing off with cold water. While washing it off, ensure that you do it in a circular motion.

Sugar is an exfoliating agent, and when warm, it sticks to your hair. Lemon juice works as natural hair bleach, and it helps lighten the skin tone. With these two, you can kiss your facial hair goodbye.

2. Lemon and Honey

Instead of waxing, you can use this method, which is pretty compelling. Begin by mixing two tablespoons of sugar and lemon juice, then add a tablespoon of honey. Heat them for about three minutes before adding water. You may choose not to add water, though. Instead, apply the cornstarch to the affected areas as soon as it cools down. While applying, spread the paste well in the direction of the hair growth. When you have done this, with the air of cotton cloth or waxing strip, pull out the hair in the opposite direction of the growth. In this method, the primary function of honey is to moisturize the skin, especially for people with dry skin.

3. Oatmeal and Banana

This is a handy method, and it is simple to make. Just blend two tablespoons of oatmeal with a single ripe banana. You don’t need to heat this one. Just apply the paste to the affected areas. Massage the areas for about a quarter of an hour and then wash them off with cool water.

Oatmeal will make the massage easy and hydrating because it contains antioxidants that effectively get rid of redness from your skin. Besides taking off your facial hair, this mixture will also give you glowing skin.

4. Potato and Lentil

Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice and honey each, then add five tablespoons of potato juice. Before doing this, however, make sure you have ground the lentils and soaked them overnight. Next, mix all the ingredients and spread them on the affected areas for about 20 minutes. Wait till the mixture is completely dry before washing it off. The paste produced from the mixture of these three ingredients will make a thin crust that helps remove excess facial hair. Also, potato is effective in bleaching the hair and making it less visible on the skin.

5. Egg White and Cornstarch

Mix a tablespoon of sugar and cornstarch with egg white. Stir well and ensure that the mixture is smooth, then apply it to the affected areas where there is unwanted facial hair. Wait until the mixture is dry on the skin before pulling it off. Combining egg white with cornstarch and sugar becomes sticky and creates a thin film on the skin. If you have acne on your skin or acne-prone skin, do not try this method. Egg white contains vitamin A that may cause breakouts on acne-prone skin.

6. Honey and Sugar

Sugar mildly exfoliates the skin’s surface; it removes dead skin cells and facial hair. On the other hand, Honey nourishes and heals the skin, making the combination one of the most effective home remedies against facial hair. To make a peel-off mask with these two ingredients, mix two tablespoons of sugar with a tablespoon of honey, add a tablespoon of water. Place them in a bowl and microwave the mixture for 30 seconds until the sugar dissolves. Gently spread the paste on the affected areas of your skin. After this, place a strip of cotton cloth over the mixture on your skin and allow it to cool off. Then peel it off in one swift motion, but ensure that you pull it off in the direction opposite to where the hair is growing.

7. Papaya and Turmeric

Papaya has a compound called papain, an enzyme that helps remove facial hair. Turmeric gives the skin a radiant and healthy glow. To apply, cut a slice of papaya into small pieces and grind the pieces to form a paste, then include half a teaspoon of turmeric in the mix. Stir the mixture well and apply it only to the areas you have unwanted hair growth. Massage the spot for a few minutes while letting the mixture stay on the skin for 15-20 minutes. Afterward, wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this process two times each week for the best result.

8. Gram Flour and Rose Water

Gram flour contains excellent exfoliating properties, and when you combine it with rose water, it reduces the level of hair growth. Before applying, mix 2 tablespoons of gram flour with the same number of tablespoons of rose water, then add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Stir the mixture well to form a paste and apply it to the affected area of your face. Allow it to dry before rubbing it off with your fingers. For best results, practice this process 3 to 4 times a week.

Final Thoughts

Women have more delicate facial skin than men, so no matter how thick your facial hair becomes, shaving it may cause more harm than good – it can irritate your skin and cause several skin conditions. Therefore, you should stick to natural remedies to remove facial hair, as already given above.

Post Disclaimer

The information contained in this post "8 Excellent Natural Remedies to Remove Facial Hair" is for educational purposes only. Always consult your primary care doctor before using the remedies that are provided. The information is provided by The Hidden Cures and while we do timely, in-depth research on the information that we provide to you, everything stated may not be up to date or accurate from the time it was written.

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