Hernias are not immediately life-threatening in most cases, but they require urgent treatment. While doctors may recommend surgery for hernia patients, you can deal with the condition with natural remedies for hernia without having to go under the knife.

You will learn the following from this post:

What is a Hernia?

A hernia is a condition where an organ increases in size through a weak or soft spot in the body. In most cases, a hernia affects a person in the abdomen, but it can also affect the groin, belly button and upper thigh. Whenever hernia forms, it becomes visible as a lump, and it often affects people who are over fifty years old.

In simpler terms, a hernia occurs when an enlarged organ pushes through an opening in the tissue or muscle that holds it in place. For example, the digestive organ might pass through a weak region in the stomach divider. Besides the crotch and upper thigh regions, multiple hernias can affect the midsection between your hips and chest. The positive thing about having a hernia is that you can treat it with natural remedies for hernia or Ayurveda.

The risk of hernia increases as one age, and males are more prone to the condition than females. The symptoms of a hernia vary according to the area involved. You can effectively manage hernia with specific herbs that help in controlling the disease.

There are various kinds of hernia, such as inguinal hernia (this is the most common type), sports hernia, sliding hernia, obturator hernia, Modi’s hernia, lumbar hernia, Littre’s hernia, hernia of the brain, Amyand’s hernia, Spigenlian hernia, epigastric hernia, umbilical hernia, incisional hernia, hiatus hernia, femoral hernia, etc.

Causes of Hernia

There are various causes of different types of hernias. Such causes include:

  1. Mechanical causes involve hard coughing, improper heavy weight lifting, incorrect posture, and strong blow on the abdomen.
  2. Any condition that elevates the pressure on the abdomen can also cause a hernia, such as ascites, painful urination, straining during bowel movement.
  3. If the muscles are weak because of overexertion and poor nutrition, a hernia may occur.
  4. Trauma can also cause an abdominal wall hernia.

The weakness and pressure of the fascia or muscle often induce a hernia. The pressure from the muscle pushes the organ or a weak tissue through the weak area. Anything that elevates the increase in force in the abdomen may result in hernia problems. Other triggers of hernia may include the following:

  • Obesity
  • Diarrhea
  • Lifting bulky loads

A combination of strain and weak muscles are the factors that trigger hernia. Weakness in the muscle can result from chronic coughing, age, abdominal walls that fail to close properly in the womb, or injury or surgery-related injury. The various strains that play a significant role in the cause of hernia include severe stress, incorrect posture, abdominal fluid, heavy weightlifting, a sudden increase in weight, persistent sneezing/coughing, constipation, and pregnancy. Other reasons may also cause a hernia, and they may require proper diagnosis and treatment.

Signs of Hernia

The common signs of hernia depend upon the type of hernia that is occurring.

  1. One of the most common hernias in the abdomen is when the abdominal wall becomes weak, and there is a hole through which the abdominal organ or adipose tissue covered with peritoneum may protrude.
  2. In a hiatal hernia, the content of the abdomen pushes through the esophageal opening in the diaphragm. As a result, a visible, palpable lump appears when standing, and the bulge becomes more prominent. In some situations, the symptoms may be vague.
  3. In the case of a hernia that is irreducible, the pain may be severe, and the protrusion may not return to the cavity when pushed. The hernia may become chronic and strangulated, resulting in pain, nausea, fever, vomiting, and bowel obstruction. An irreducible hernia may become dark purple and red-pink.

Symptoms of Hernia

Bulge or lump generated in the affected part of a person’s body is the most common hernia symptom. For example, if your kind of hernia is the inguinal hernia, you will feel a lump in the pubic bone where the thigh and groin meet.

You can also feel hernia by touch sensitivity when bending, coughing, standing up, etc. hernia can affect babies. When a newborn has a hernia, you can feel the bulge as the baby is crying. The bulge is the single symptom of an umbilical hernia. A hiatal hernia is a situation where a part of your stomach begins to swell up through the stomach into your chest oppression.

Common symptoms of hiatal hernia include the following:

  • acid reflux
  • difficulty while swallowing
  • chest pain

Common symptoms of an inguinal hernia include:

  • feeling pressure, weakness, or heaviness in the affected part
  • burning sensation, aching at the affected area
  • discomfort or pain in the affected area (often the lower abdomen), usually when one is lifting, coughing, or bending

It would help if you understood that there are various cases of hernia that do not present any symptoms unless a proper diagnosis occurs through a medical examination. If you have any of the symptoms already mentioned above, you can call your doctor and let the appropriate diagnosis and medical analysis be carried out on you. After that, then you can get practical and reliable natural remedies for hernias.

Complications Associated with Hernia

Complications Associated with Hernia
Complications Associated with Hernia

The following complications can result in hernia:

  • irreducibility
  • autoimmune problems
  • hemorrhage
  • hydrocele of the hernia sac
  • strangulation
  • obstruction of any lumen
  • inflammation

Diagnosing Hernia

Before your doctor can be sure that you have a hernia, they may perform the following tests on you:

  • Ultrasonography (USG)
  • Endoscopy in the case of hiatus hernia
  • Physical examination of the general body

When a hernia becomes reaches an emergency stage (in the case of strangulation of the tissue or obstruction of the bowel tissue, etc.), surgery is often the choice treatment. In addition, you can treat hiatal hernia and umbilical hernia with the help of medications.

9 Natural Remedies for Hernia

Natural Remedies for Hernia
Natural Remedies for Hernia

If you are looking to treat your hernia without operating it, you should consider natural remedies. With the help of proper research, I have some effective and home remedies that will help you treat your hernia without any hassle.

1. Castor Seed Oil

Castor seed oil takes the position of one of the most popular and effective essential oils that can help inhibit inflammation in the stomach to enhance the digestive process. You can make a castor oil seed pack and place it on your stomach to reduce the swelling in the area affected. In addition, castor oil is rich in nutrients which can help speed up the healing process on the affected area.

2. Ice Pack

You can reduce swelling and induce relief by applying ice packs to the affected area. Ice packs also help in reducing bloating and pain resulting from a hernia. In the case of a hernia in the groin or abdomen, there is often pain, inflammation, and redness. An ice pack will help reduce all that by causing contraction, relieving pain, and bloating in the process. Although an ice pack may not be the most comfortable remedy, it is an excellent first-aid remedy.

3. Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is a natural remedy that contains an anti-inflammatory substance that works as a healing agent. The substance soothes the affected area upon application. It serves as a pain reliever, especially when you are suffering from a hernia. Most importantly, people worldwide know aloe vera as one of the most popular and excellent ayurvedic remedies that can help provide nourishment to the body. Taking aloe vera juice lowers the chance of hernia and helps give the body nutritional components. For effective results, drink a glass of aloe vera juice every day.

4. Black Pepper

Black pepper is independent of Ayurveda but adding the spice helps in relieving hernia. In addition, black pepper helps reduce acid reflux and cures the swollen region. Black pepper also contains several antioxidants that help increase immunity and relieve digestive issues. Even though black pepper powder is effective in flavoring food, it effectively reduces gut inflammation and soothing stomach issues. Black pepper also helps suppress acid reflux and may help stimulate the healing in the parts of the body that could have been compromised when the organ begins to push through the cavity wall.

5. Ginger

Ginger root is an excellent cure for such problems, whether it’s gastric issues, hernia, or abdominal pain. Ginger is a beautiful source of antioxidants and nutrients essential for reducing inflammation and pain from a hernia. Also, ginger helps protect your esophagus and stomach from the toxic build of gastric juices. Ginger is one of the most active natural remedies for hernia. You can consume this remedy in liquid form via a concentrated ginger juice, or you can eat the ginger raw to give your stomach a healthy boost. You can also consume ginger root tea.

6. Weight Loss

It does not matter whether you believe it or not, but obesity is one of the most common causes of hernia. If you want to decrease your risk of developing a hernia, then weight loss might be the solution you need. A lean and fit body is a sign of good health. To achieve this good health, you must improve your weight if you know that you are overweight. You can opt for some weight loss programs that will help you achieve this reduction. Proper workouts and the consumption of smaller meals are the major activities that will help reduce your weight.

7. Cinnamon

Like ginger, cinnamon is one of the most popular natural remedies for hernia. Taking cinnamon can provide your body with rich nutrients and antioxidants that can help reduce gastric inflammation. Cinnamon can help relieve the problems of hernia and acid reflux naturally. Additionally, consuming warm water mixed with cinnamon powder can help reduce swelling and pain from a hernia. Besides the powder, you can also use cinnamon essential oil to battle your hernia, but the powder is often a lot more effective than the essential oil. Consume as much cinnamon as you can until you begin to notice an improvement.

8. Yoga and Meditation

Stress can also be a severe trigger for a hernia. If you are looking for a way to reduce your anxiety and stress, yoga and meditation may be the most effective way to achieve that. The postures from yoga and meditation will help enhance your body’s flexibility and reduce your chance of falling sick. Also, yoga effectively builds the immune system, strengthens muscle health, and makes you feel solid. One of the most significant effects of yoga and meditation is that it helps calm your body, mind, and soul by relaxing all the organs in your body.

9. Eat Healthy Diet

We always depend on medicine for every health concern, disease, or infection. However, the truth is that a healthy diet is a significant key to strong immunity and good health. If you want to avoid the risk of hernia or the surgery that comes with it, then make the necessary changes to your diet. Healthy vegan foods are rich in antioxidants and nutrients that can help improve your overall health. You can include the following in your diet:

  • Leafy vegetables
  • Green tea
  • Fresh fruits
  • Beans
  • Almond milk
  • Soy milk
  • Green smoothies
  • Vegetable juices
  • Fresh vegetables

Diet Recommendations for Hernia Patients

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Cinnamon, ginger
  • Non-citrus fruits and juices
  • Lean proteins, such as fish, tofu, etc
  • Peas

Foods to Avoid

  • Salty foods
  • High-fat dairy products
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Alcohol
  • Fatty food
  • Red meat
  • Oil food, etc

When you discipline yourself about the kinds of food you eat, you reduce your risk of developing a hernia. And if you already have the condition, then you should consider the foods I already recommended.

Final Thoughts

If you leave your hernia untreated, you may experience severe pain. A significant portion of your intestine can also get trapped in the abdominal wall. This can result in severe pain, constipation and nausea. Leaving your hernia untreated can also put pressure on surrounding tissues. When the trapped part of the intestine does not receive enough blood, strangulation may occur. Strangulation can be life-threatening, and it may be too late to apply natural remedies for hernia on that condition. You should call your medical practitioner immediately when you start feeling too uncomfortable from a hernia.

Post Disclaimer

The information contained in this post "Living With Hernia: 9 Natural Remedies for Hernia" is for educational purposes only. Always consult your primary care doctor before using the remedies that are provided. The information is provided by The Hidden Cures and while we do timely, in-depth research on the information that we provide to you, everything stated may not be up to date or accurate from the time it was written.

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